Department of Revenue and Finance


About the Department of Revenue and Finance

The Revenue and Finance Department comprises the functions of the Municipal Clerk’s Office, Treasury, Code Enforcement, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, and Purchasing.

This Department is responsible for:

  • All aspects of treasury operations inclusive of budget preparation, state aid, purchasing, cash management, debt management, payroll, billing and collection, as well as ensuring compliance with Federal and State laws.
  • Determining the value for all property subject to property tax.  
  • Ensuring compliance with the State Uniform Construction Code and the Municipal Zoning Codes.
  • Compliance with the Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”), the Open Public Meetings Act (“OPMA”) and Election Law, as well as dog and cat licensing, raffles, and notary services.

Overall, the services of this Department are important to ensuring the effective operation of government in the community.

Departments and Offices

Municipal Clerk’s Office

The Municipal Clerk serves as Secretary to the Municipal Corporation and Governing Body as well as the Chief Administrative Officer for all elections. Oversees records retention, voter registration, animal licensing, raffles, and notary services.


The Chief Financial Officer is the custodian of all public funds and oversees all aspects of the Township’s finances to ensure compliance with Federal and State rules and regulations.  Supervises the Treasurer’s Office, Cashier, Purchasing Department, and the Payroll Office. 

Code Enforcement

The Construction Official oversees all operations of the Code Enforcement Dept. including construction permits, zoning approvals, inspections, certificates of occupancy, and when needed, variance applications before the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Tax Assessor

The Tax Assessor’s office is under the supervision of the Essex County Board of Taxation, the tax assessor establishes the value of property by following uniform practices based on state laws, rules, court decisions and the state constitution. Responsibilities include defending property tax appeals, evaluating any changes in assessment due to construction or approved tax deductions and exemptions.

Tax Collector

The Tax Collector issues both property tax and water bills, and oversees all aspects of tax collection and cashier services, annual tax sales, and the State Senior Freeze Program.


The Qualified Purchasing Agent is responsible for compliance with Local Public Contract Law. All municipal purchases are processed through this office.